
borboleta preta da asa com listra branca, que meu caminho cruza, proteja minha energia. Borboleta preta mensageira, que meus passos redireciona, renove minha energia noite&dia [12:12] rara misteriosa&mística

june 16

on june 16th two strangers met on a train heading to vienna & fell in love before sunrise


he calls me Jupiter ‘cause i rule his world; i’m the planet of luck & abundance in the cosmos


o ponto preciso em que a morte súbita e a vida eterna coexistem e se encontram, no exato momento de começar novo de novo, em um duplo infinito perfeitamente entrelaçado e alinhado lado a lado — ainda há tempo 13•6 [ponto de colisão e interseção]

🗝 //bf_journals2ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ☾ ♡︎

my favorite poems i’ve written are probably the ones which get through me by the act of journaling. as a ~ gemini ~ slash Writer w/ capital W lol ok.notfunny.anyways. slash mental/comunicative [oh me luvs the cliché] cUUUuuutE little human being, i must say i journal antes mesmo de saber that it was even a thing, ‘cause that’s a way i found by myself for myself of how to organize my mind [u know, i got lots of these open tabs inside of my head & i NEED to make sure they’re all well organized so i can function properly IRL so journaling’s what magically works out for me] & ALSO that’s how i *try to* organize or maybe understand [?] my feelings, emotions [ps we DO NOT have to figure/rationalize/explain all the time! don’t go crazy tryna do this plzz] or whatever’s goin’ on inside my dear, dear mind whenever it gets foggy, beautifully chaotic aka a mess *my mind ugh it amazes me* ‘cause yea it means THE WORLD 2 me. e-v-e-r-y-thing in my life revolves around my ~ mind ~ #mastermind

so as i was sayin’, totally lost focus [shortattentionspam sometimes + mixed w/ alittle of a million thoughts all at once in the speed of light tks to my geminisun] scusa — my favorite poems of mine are born when i’m all by myself journaling, not thinkin’ or overthinkin’, just writin’ whatever comes to my mind at 1st. trust me, it all simply comes to me, in the middle of this ‘therapeutical’ exercise, if i’m 100% body mind & soul into it. literally. all in all, every poem almost feels like a therapy session for me lol & i have to say these are my favorite because the words feel so alive, flow so free, they come so effortless, naturally to me, that they are so pure, true, simple yet complex, raw & deep that that’s why, to me, i find ‘em to be the most beautiful ever written

without askin’ for it, these journals that one day become poems are not the ones that come from my mind. they’re the ones that come from my honest heart. they are my whole heart in its purest form, perhaps now in a paper form, and i’m givin’ it to U. take good care of my poems ♡︎ //bf_journals2